My Absolute Darling

Auteur(s) Tallent, Gabriel (Auteur)
Titre(s) My Absolute Darling / Gabriel Tallent.
Editeur(s) London : Fourth Estate, 2018.
Résumé At 14, Turtle Alveston knows the use of every gun on her wall. She knows how to snare a rabbit, sharpen a blade and splint a bone. She knows her daddy loves her more than anything else in this world and he'll do whatever it takes to keep her with him. But she doesn't know why she feels so different from the other girls at school ; why the line between love and pain can be so hard to see. Or why making a friend may be the bravest and most terrifying thing she has ever done. Sometimes the people you're supposed to trust are the ones who do most harm. And what you've been taught to fear is the very thing that will save you...
Sujet(s) Edition unilingue : Anglais (langue)
Indice(s) R ANG
Genre(s) Livre en langue étrangère,
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